Paul’s Portfolio

Links are to HTML files unless otherwise noted.


My Home Library Database Round 1 (October 2023) • [PDF]

Memory Management in C: An Introduction (PDF) (May 2023)

Thinking of an Animal (HTML) (March 2023) • [PDF]

Stable Diffusion Doesn’t “Know” Anything (December 2022) • [PDF]

How I Use GNU Make (December 2021) • [PDF]

Python 2020: Lots of Movement, Little Improvement (August 2020) • [PDF]

My Programming Process By Example: Implementing Base64 (January 2020) • [PDF]


Asynchronous Programming with Qt (October 2019) • [PDF ]

Creating a Shared Memory Block with Keil µVision and the Atmel SAM4E16E (August 2017) • [PDF]

Fixed-point Math with avr-gcc (October 2016) • [PDF]

SPI Communication with the Arduino Uno and M93C46 EEPPROM: Easy, Fun, Relaxing (February 2016) • [PDF]

On Degeneration of Array Types in C (March 2015) • [PDF]


Generic Functions and Pointers to Member Functions (August 2006) • [PDF]

Paying the Sin Tax on Semantics: The Lowly Struct (June 2006) • [PDF]


A (NewtonScript) Inheritance Primer (PDF) (July 1994)

Extending Modal Dialogs in THINK C (PDF) (April 1990) I wrote this article for MacTutor magazine back when I was an undergraduate.


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