Links are to HTML files unless otherwise noted.
These articles started as content from my e-mail newsletter “The Coffee Underachiever,” which ended when TinyLetter was shut down, and my online-only newsletter “The Restless Mind.”
My Home Library Database Round 1 (October 2023) • [PDF]
Memory Management in C: An Introduction (PDF) (May 2023)
Thinking of an Animal (HTML) (March 2023) • [PDF]
Stable Diffusion Doesn’t “Know” Anything (December 2022) • [PDF]
How I Use GNU Make (December 2021) • [PDF]
Python 2020: Lots of Movement, Little Improvement (August 2020) • [PDF]
My Programming Process By Example: Implementing Base64 (January 2020) • [PDF]
These articles started as blog posts from two of my Blogger blogs, now defunct, called “Praise, Curse, and Recurse” and “Geek Like Me Too,” as well as content from my e-mail newsletter “The Coffee Underachiever.”
Asynchronous Programming with Qt (October 2019) • [PDF ]
Creating a Shared Memory Block with Keil µVision and the Atmel SAM4E16E (August 2017) • [PDF]
Fixed-point Math with avr-gcc (October 2016) • [PDF]
SPI Communication with the Arduino Uno and M93C46 EEPPROM: Easy, Fun, Relaxing (February 2016) • [PDF]
On Degeneration of Array Types in C (March 2015) • [PDF]
The Polar Game in Haskell: An Accidental Online Chautauqua (June-July 2013) • [PDF]
The Polar Game in Dylan: A Case Study in Object-oriented Design (June 2013) • [PDF]
These articles started as posts in my now-defunct Blogger blog called “Praise, Curse, and Recurse.”
The Dot Matrix Printhead: A Toy to Learn a Little Haskell (December 2006) • [PDF]
Generic Functions and Pointers to Member Functions (August 2006) • [PDF]
Paying the Sin Tax on Semantics: The Lowly Struct (June 2006) • [PDF]
[__Thinking About Sudoku and Scheme: First Steps Towards a Solver](Thinking_About_Sudoku_and_Scheme.html) (January-February 2006) • [PDF]
I wrote this article, along with several others, for PIE Developer magazine, later renamed to PDA Developer magazine, while working at Pharos Technologies.
A (NewtonScript) Inheritance Primer (PDF) (July 1994)
I wrote this article before MacTutor magazine while an undergraduate student at the College of Wooster; it appeared in MacTutor magazine (later known as MacTech) after I graduated.
Extending Modal Dialogs in THINK C (PDF) (April 1990) I wrote this article for MacTutor magazine back when I was an undergraduate.
While an undergraduate student at the College of Wooster, I wrote two of a planned series of articles on writing HyperCard external command plug-ins (XCMDs) in Lightspeed C (later known as THINK C). I used XCMDs such as this to draw animated graphs of mathematical functions, for a HyperCard stack I developed to teach calculus limits and continuity, and later at the Office of Instructional Technology to generate tones for an audiometer simulation. These appeared in Washington Apple Pi Journal, in December 1988 and April 1989.
Understanding Lightspeed C: Talking Back to HyperCard (PDF) (April 1989)
Writing XCMDs in Lightspeed C: About the Aboutbox (PDF) (December 1988)